Poland, with 38 million population , is the 9th biggest country in Europe . Located in midle Europe between Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, Kalinigrad ( Russian Federation) and the Baltic Sea. A member of European Union since 2004 and joined Schengen Area in 2007.
World is getting smaller, and without borders of Schengen Zone, people are travelling easier and globalisation makes environment more intercultural. Multicultural companies, student exchange programmes, tourists, immigrants volunteering projects etc. make the life multikultik.

How about Poland? Is Poland ready for intercultural life? I always support the integration and participated many seminars and projects about this. Countries that get immigration has problems about integration that is true. But as I observe, most of the foreigners in Poland are not immigrants, mostly students, alien employees etc. If you compare even with Czech Republic, you can not see immigrants much here.

So does students and alien employees make harder life for Polish? Lets check Polish comments about foreigners; We don't like foreigners because they are stealing our job. (Getting working permit is not easy to get, You need to have specializations that a local don't have , so it doesn't mean that someone steal your job. And because of global companies settling to Poland, these aliens are working here and giving taxes maybe even more than you.) We dont like students because their financial status are not much and imposing us. (As Polish statements, Foreigners need to pay to study.) We don't like our neighbours because of history.

(This neighbour was the one who didn't make war with you hundreds years and your neighbour does not have problem when you immigrate to their country) We dont like Mediterraneans because they are stealing our women (Everybody is free to choose their own life, can show many example Mediterranean girl with Polish guy) We don't like Jewish People. (Most of the modern cities were founded by Jewish People and most of the factories were owned by Jewish people before holocaust.)
 We don't like Muslims because they are conservative. (All Europe says that you are the most conservative country of Europe) and it goes on like that... Especially in industrial cities, you can feel racism or patriotism daily life.

The best thing is to avoid this. Because in most of the situations, they are trying to provoke you even a 60 year old guy can try to provoke you even you are blonde but non-polish. Some tips from my experience. Learn Polish, it makes life more easy and you can understand them.
Some guys are so stupid that even think that you are Polish. Use your car or taxi , it will be expensive but you don't have to contact with much people. Avoid to use night buses because most of the drunk guys are using night buses and you will have to possibility to have problem with them. If you have to use tram ,bus or etc. check the time table. Don't wait long at stops. And don't stay alone in compartments alone.

Try to do your everything mostly in day time  even 21.00 is late for Polish People. Many homeless people are in the centre. They will want money or cigarettes, you will get tired of them but they are harmless. Be careful about the guys with soprtwears, trainers and builded bodies, most of them bald and football funs (hooligans). These kind of guys are the ones that you need to aware. Try not to meet, if you meet avoid conversations or just escape. If you are smoking, i advise you not to smoke on the street not to get any cigarrete conversation.

If you have any problem being attacked or robbed , report to police , the police will make you problem with the language and will be lazy to find a translator for you so it is better to go with someone who will translate you. Inform your embassy about this , and let the police know that you know your rights and you contact with your embassy. And be sure that report was written correctly.

Seizure and stealing is different. But still don't expect much things about reporting because most of the cases even they have photofit they can not find for months even the problem occurs 200 metre away from Police station and after two weeks you will receive a paper from court that your inquest is started. After 4 days you will receive a new paper that your inquest is closed beacsue they could not find.

Even you see the guys that you have problem , for ex. In a shopping centre, informing security does not help. You will think that calling the Police will be useful (even reporting with your report number), but what happen will be , they will send a patrol to the area but they will just check and the guys that you had problem will go freely from the area. So better not to carry much money, make insurance to your mobile phone (Finding a phone with IMEI number is so easy but not in Poland). Hooliganism is a big problem in Poland , you can see football grafitti vandalism, svastikas  stockholm syndrome ?) on the walls and calling the rivals Zyd (Jewish in Polish but using to insult)...

So better not to wear a sport team merchandise not to have problem with them. These are the negative things that i observed , but still Poland is one of the country that high loyalty , hospitality that can not see in other countries

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